Initiative on the UN Genocide Convention
A Call to create an Independent Committee to review the Genocide Convention
Initiative Supporters
We are privileged to include as supporters for the initiative many distinguished individuals from the fields of international politics, economists, diplomacy, the private sector and civil society.Supporters for the Initiative include:
- Dr. Branislav Radeljic - Professor of International Politics, University of East London; UK
- Dustin Ciufo - PhD Candidate, University of Guelph; Canada
- Dr. Eithne O'Connell - Senior Lecturer in Humanities Faculty, Dublin City University; Ireland
- Evelyn Cartright - Assistant Professor of English and Director of African Studies, Barry University; USA
- Günal Kurşun - President, Human Rights Agenda Association
- Jennifer Schmidt-Petersen - PhD Student, International Academy of Investigative Psychology; UK
- Julie George - Program Director Asia & East Africa, Skillshare International UK
- Dr. Kirsi Pauliina Kallio - Senior Researcher, Space and Political Agency Research Group; University of Tampere; Finland
- Prof. Kurt Kohn - Professor of Applied English Linguistics, University of Tübingen; Germany
- Lubica Sedlicka - Internal Researcher, University of Matej Bel; Slovakia
- Dr. Maire Johnson - Professor of History, Oklahoma State University; USA
- Prof. Marie Breen-Smyth- Associate Dean International, Faculty of Arts and Human Sciences, University of Surrey; UK
- Metje Postma - Lecturer in Visual Ethnography, University of Leiden; NL
- Dr. Michael Haltzel - Senior Fellow in the Foreign Policy Institute, Center for Transatlantic Relations, Johns Hopkins University; USA
- Michele Seyler - Faculty Member, Community College of Rhode Island; USA
- Prof. Pat Caplan - Emeritus Professor of Anthropology, Goldsmiths College, University of London; UK
- Robert Florkowski - Physiotherapist and Clinical Psychologist, The University School of Physical Education; Poland
- Sabine Donath - Student, Martin-Luther-University; Germany
- Sally-Ann Richards - Senior Lecturer in Management and Social Sciences, Queen Mary's London; UK
- Simon Rose - Undergraduate, University of Reading; UK
- Stephan Zuser - Legal Advisor, Austrian Union of Students
- Prof. Steven Seggie - Associate Professor of Marketing, Ozyegin University; Turkey
- Sweta Bonnet - Human Rights Activist
- Prof. W. Lillevik - Professor of Cross Cultural Management, The College of New Jersey; USA
- Prof. Yiu-chung Wong - Professor of Political Science, Lingnan University; Hong Kong