The Madrid Symposium on Peace Building & Conflict Resolution

"The Promotion of World Peace through Inter-Faith Dialogue & Global Political Discourse"

(Madrid, Spain; July 15th - 17th, 2014)
Tuesday, July 15th 2014
10:00 Keynote Address

Prof. Dr. Pilar Vélez, Rector Nebrija University
Mark Donfried, Director General, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
11:00 “The Role of Higher Education in Interfaith Dialogue and Peace Building”
Prof. Dr. Marta Genís Pedra, Director, Applied Language Department, Universidad Nebrija, Spain
12:00 “The Importance of Inter-Religious Dialogue in the Construction of Peace in Post-Conflict Contries”
The Hon. Rui Duarte Barros, Former Prime Minister of Guinea-Bissau
12:30 "Waiting for peace ­ the Pending Peace"
President José Luis Rodríguez Zapatero, Former Prime Minister of Spain
14:00 Lunch
15:00 Keynote Speech
Musa Amer Odeh, Palestinian Authority Ambassador
16:00 “Reformasi Era and the Emerging of Distolerant New Moslem Groups - A “Home Work” of such a Culture and the Inter-Faith Dialogues in Indonesia”
Dr. Laode Ida, Vice Chairman of the Indonesian Senate
17:00 “Interfaith Dialogues for Harmony and Peace: Indonesian Experience”
Prof. Dr. Azyumardi Azra, Former Rector of the State Islamic University (UIN), Jakarta
18:00 Keynote Speech
H. E. Amb. Slobodan Chashulev, Ambassador of Macedonia to Spain
19:00 Welcome Group Dinner
Wednesday, July 16th 2014
10:00 “Malta’s Experience During the Libya Conflict - a Humanitarian Response to Conflict”
Lawrence Gonzi, Former Prime Minister of Malta; 4th Chairperson-in-office of the Commonwealth of Nations
11:00 Interview with Lawrence Gonzi, Former Prime Minister of Malta; 4th Chairperson-in-office of the Commonwealth of Nations
13:00 Lunch Break
14:30 Beyond Borders, Key Moments in Cultural Diplomacy between Spain and Islam”
Prof. Dr. Alfred Gutiérrez-Kavanagh, Professor of International Relations & the Middle East, Comillas University of Madrid
15:00 Religious Polarization and Civil Conflict”
Prof. Dr. José María Mella Márquez, Professor, Institute for Economics & Development Policy, Autonomous University of Madrid
15:30 Pope Francis. New Time for Interfaith Dialogue”
Prof. Dr. Emilio Sáenz-Francés San Baldomero, Professor, Department of International Relations, Universidad de Comillas
16:30 Keynote Address
Juan Moscoso del Prado Hernández, Member of the Spanish Parliament
17:00 Reading American Literature at the Spanish University: A Context of Transcultural Dialogue and Conflict Resolution”
Prof. Dr. Eulalia Piñero Gil, Professor, North American Literature, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
17:30 “Mediating in conflictive views. Perspectives from critical linguistics and translation”
Prof. Dr. Ovidi Carbonell Cortés, Professor of Translation Studies; Director, Spanish-Japanese Cultural Center, University of Salamanca
18:00 Day Two Concluding Remarks
18:00 Free Evening
Thursday, July 17th 2014
10:00 Religious Freedom a Fundamental Right Necessary for Peace”
H.E. Vicar Bernardo Torres Escudero, Judicial Vicar, Catholic Diocese of Ciudad Real, Spain
11:00 “A Broader Scope for the Conflict Cycle. Cross-border Cooperation and the Role of Local Authorities”
José Ignacio Sánchez Amor, Member of the Spanish Parliament; Special Representative Border Cooperation, OSCE Parliamentary Assembly; Former Vice President of the Junta de Extremadura
12:00 Economics and Conflict Resolution
Miguel Ors Villarejo, Deputy Chief Editor, Actualidad Económica
13:00 Lunch Break
14:30 The Andalusian Music as a Cultural Bridge between Spain and Morocco”
Luis Delgado, Musician
15:30 Lecture & Discussion
Sathanama Sleur, Founder ad chairman Foundation (Stichting) Isaia for children and World Peace
16:00 “Considering Diversity and Multicultural Dialogue to Confronting Conflicts”
Jorge Garrido, Manager, Apoyo Positivo Association
16:30 Concluding Remarks
Mark Donfried, Director General, Institute for Cultural Diplomacy (ICD)
17:00 Madrid City Excursion